Monday, August 16, 2010

just a short opinion

Hello everyone ,

Just a short one today. I spent most of today driving in the heat so i don't have much anger now.

We drove to the Olympic game farm today in Sequim WA.

All the way there I kept seeing signs for the Indian casinos. Also signs for steakhouses with indigenous American names. It made me very sad actually.

Then I got angry at how the entire culture of a race of people became such a fucking joke. This is what is left of the Native American culture? Steakhouses and casinos? The names from their language on a few cities and rivers.

And how do white people who wanna understand native culture show respect for the population that they destroyed and oppressed? They act like new age-y douchebags. They become fucking hippies. Fuck them!

We live in a time now where I have to hear everyone and their brother rattle off a laundry list of ethnicities that went into the ooze that created them. And every single one of them lists the 1/10000000000th % of Native American tribe in their bloodline. Fuck you! Your a god damned American fuckbag with no understanding of what those cultures you listed really are, except what you read in that fancy catalogue of books you bought at your local borders bookstore.

Knowing that Germany or Italy or Ireland exist and you had a relative of yours from there fuck another relative of yours doesn't makes you any of those nationalities. You don't know shit.

Oh, you had a grandfather from a Latin country? and you have a quick temper, that you say is a direct result of your Latin blood? How about we think of some more fucking stereotypes that belong to that ethnicity and attribute them to you? I think you have a quick temper because you are a easily angered assbag who is finding another excuse to not take responsibility for being an assbag.

So in summation, fuck your ethnicity. Fuck hippies. And if you really want to celebrate the culture of the American Indian...fuck you. It's not there for you to celebrate. Go find the indigenous and see how much they really wanna talk to you. Chances are they will tell you that in order to get the true native experience you should go fuck a totem pole.

With deep and abiding affection,

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