Saturday, August 14, 2010

This post was brought to you buy the number 2, and the letter fuck.

Good evening.

Today was filled with idiots.

From the post office where a woman spent 5 minutes rifling through her money to find 2 bucks, to the asshats on CNN telling me how the majority of the population was against a mosque being built 2 blocks from ground zero. Who gives a shit what the majority of the American people think? The majority of the American public elected a man to the presidency (twice) because they felt like they could drink a beer with him. And in case you weren't sure of this, that is nothing to base a man's character on. Just because you wanna drink with him doesn't mean elected officials in other countries do too. The man doesn't even drink anymore! You cant drink a beer with a guy WHO DOESN'T FUCKING DRINK ANYMORE!

First of all if you're buying four stamps and you are waiting for 2 people shipping packages, don't make small talk to me. I don't give 2 fucking shits about how hot you think it is. Go through your fucking purse and pull out the 2 bucks you need to buy the god damned stamps and get out of my way faster.

No one thinks about the people behind them. Some douche bag in a convertible Miata, that was literally 6 fucking colors, is changing Cd's at a green light. No concern for the people who maybe wanna get somefuckinplace TODAY!

Some fuckstick at an intersection thinks free right turn means whenever he wants to go...even if hes about to t-bone my car. Wait 2 seconds for me to get past you, you impatient prick!

I began to think for a moment maybe I'm wrong. Ive done stupid shit while driving or standing at a counter. And someone in the world certainly doesn't agree with my points of view on politics and religion. Maybe I'm being intolerant...maybe I should calm down. Relax.

Then I thought, well if I have done all those things then I am an idiot. And I am. I am a fucking moron who makes mistakes constantly. I say it all the time. "Jeez Gabe that was fucking stupid, you idiot!" I am sure you've said it too. Sure, we all have.

So i think its gonna be a lot easier for the entire world if we just start admitting we don't know what the fuck we are doing, and not be offended if people start to call you on it. Don't be offended, because they are right. You have no idea what you are doing. You are just guessing. You think you know how a a person will react to some news? Guess what? You don't. You have driven a car a hundred times before, what could possibly go wrong? Guess what? Everything can go wrong. Wake the fuck up! No one can literally do anything blindfolded, and I will bet you, you don't actually have as comprehensive a knowledge of the back of your hand as you think you do.

Lets start by just admitting to ourselves that we are all idiots incapable at times of performing the simplest of tasks and take the ego out of ourselves and kick the shit out of it.

You are fucking stupid.

There now.

Go live a judgement free life where calling someone a moron will be redundant and hypocritical.

 And if someone calls you stupid, just smile to yourself knowing that that person is double stupid for not knowing how redundant and hypocritical they are.

This has been a public service announcement.

With deep and abiding affection

1 comment:

  1. Gabe...
    If I had a thing for angry men who used amazing words like "fuckstick" and "fucktard" you would my #1. I don't, but I'm just saying....

    Love ya man!
